
Friday, August 29, 2003


Techweb > News > FBI Nabs Teen Suspect In MSBlaster Variant > FBI Arrests Teen Suspect In MSBlaster Variant > August 29, 2003  

Techweb > News > FBI Nabs Teen Suspect In MSBlaster Variant > FBI Arrests Teen Suspect In MSBlaster Variant > August 29, 2003: " FBI Arrests Teen Suspect In MSBlaster Variant
August 29, 2003 (1:57 p.m. EST)
By Gregg Keizer, TechWeb News

The FBI arrested a teenager Friday suspected of writing a variant of the original MSBlaster worm, according to published reports.
The 18-year-old, identified as Jeffrey Lee Parson by a court official in Minnesota, was arrested early Friday, according to reports in the Washington Post. He is scheduled to make his first court appearance at 2 p.m., Central time, in St. Paul, Minn."

So much for this chapter of the continuing Script Kiddie Saga. I hope the rest of them take note that it took much less than a month to collar this s.o.b. Maybe we can take an extra breath or two between new viruses.

Pocket PC Thoughts - News, Views, Rants & Raves  

Pocket PC Thoughts - News, Views, Rants & Raves: "

This seems like a fun way for Intel to help raise awareness about their Centrino technology and to get people interested in using public WiFi hotspots. In addition to the food, games, etc., Intel will be providing free wireless downloads of content like music, videos, e-magazines, games, and software. You don't have to visit the special events in New York, San Francisco, Chicago and Seattle in order to participate in the free access.

To find out more about the specific activities taking place, look here.
To locate participating hotspots near you, take a look here."

Well. Apparently, SOMEone has a clue about how to do things. I never said Intel was stupid. They wouldn't be where they are if they were. I don't always like their attitudes, always seeming too much like the Microsoft of hardware, to me. Or is Microsoft the Intel of software?

CRS Report: IB10045 - Broadband Internet Access: Background and Issues - NLE  

CRS Report: IB10045 - Broadband Internet Access: Background and Issues - NLE: "One proposal would ease certain legal restrictions and requirements, imposed by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, on incumbent telephone companies who provide high speed data (broadband) access. Proponents assert that restrictions must be lifted to give incumbent local exchange companies (ILECs) the incentive to build out their broadband networks. Opponents argue that lifting restrictions would allow the ILECs to monopolize voice and data markets. An alternative approach, establishing 'new tools' to ensure that markets are open to competitors, is also being considered. "

Congress misses the point. As usual. The point is NOT about local phone companies monopolizing the local broadband market, it's about getting someone, ANYone, to provide broadband access to smaller urban, suburban, and rural areas AT ALL. In my area of between 15 and 20,000 people, there are two practical choices: cable modem access from the local cable company and carrier pigeon. Oh, I suppose I should add DSL from the local phone company, but this is a RURAL area. DSL is only good for a limited area around a local switching exchange and doesn't even cover all of "our fair city". ISDN is available in even more limited areas for even higher prices, which approach satellite access in most cases.

So, the whole thing boils down to getting someone to expand the choices and coverage in areas like this. And there just doesn't seem to be anyone interested in doing it :(.

Paul Allen looking to sell TechTV - Aug. 27, 2003  

Paul Allen looking to sell TechTV - Aug. 27, 2003: "TechTV on the block

Viacom and Sony reportedly have been approached; value is estimated at $250M-$300M.
August 27, 2003: 10:32 AM EDT

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Paul Allen, the entrepreneur and co-founder of software maker Microsoft Corp., is looking to sell his technology-related cable channel TechTV, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday, citing people familiar with the situation.
TechTV, owned by Allen's investment firm Vulcan Ventures Inc., is worth $250 million to $300 million, the paper said, citing sources. A TechTV representative was not immediately available to comment to Reuters. "

Well, I suppose it had to happen. Their live content has been going downhill for some time. I grieve for what it could have been, with the proper resources and funding. Personally, I can think of a number of companies that should, perhaps, get together to do it right. I don't the whole story, I'm sure, though I wish I did. My curiosity is killing me by inches. Still and all, TechTV is a thing that needs to be around. What every true geek hates most of all is tech news reported by non-geeks. They are SO clueless. For instance, the head anchor of the Cleveland news station we watch calls every PDA a Palm Pilot (!). It's enormously frustrating. I think that the station owners realize it, dimly, because they tried running a once-a-week tech segment on the Friday night news, but it was an instant flop. They picked one of their own staff members who knew how to boot a computer and, maybe, play GTA. Or Quake. He struggled to find something that seemed to have a connection to computers, but would be understandable to Granny. It lasted (I think) about 6 weeks. There's such a huge gap between geeks and the Great Computer Illiterate Masses. I applaud the local schools who have made computer literacy a graduation requirement.

Oops! Sorry, it's a Hot Button subject. Anyway, we need a 'TechTV' in place. I just hope someone will come along and do it right.

Thursday, August 28, 2003


California Cool  

"Silent pump for water-cooled PCs developed--- A new water-
cooling system for computer chips has been developed that
incorporates a clever pump with no moving parts. The system,
developed by Californian start-up company Cooligy, aims to
silently solve the problem that the faster chips get, the
hotter they become.... In the near future, the chips in high-
speed laptops and desktop PCs will generate so much heat that
traditional air cooling systems will struggle to cope. Simply
increasing the speed of the fans used will increase the noise
they make and the risk of mechanical failure. So a number of
companies are now working on systems that use water to draw
heat away...."

Full story: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994086

The original product sounds like a good idea and one that will become increasingly needed as processors get faster and hotter. The obvious next step will be a similar system using a Freon-like coolant and exhausting the heat either outside or inside your house, depending on the season.

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