
Thursday, December 04, 2003


News: Domain registry site gets hacked  

News: Domain registry site gets hacked: "Domain registry site gets hacked

By Matt Hines
CNET News.com
December 3, 2003, 10:52 AM PT

The Global Name Registry confirmed that its .name Web site was hacked over the weekend, blaming the attack on the company's move to relaunch its services.
GNR representatives said the site, which administers registration of .name Web domains, was attacked sometime Saturday afternoon and remained corrupted until the problem was fixed Sunday morning. Company President Hakon Haugnes said the hackers exploited a hole in one of the software packages used to maintain the site but indicated that the situation did not cause major damage to its overall operations. He did not comment on what type of software the hole was present in, and he said the site had not been subject to previous attacks.
'Obviously, this sort of thing causes some level of embarrassment, but it appeared to be very isolated,' Haugnes said. 'You try to keep up with all the software patches out there, but sometimes things like this still happen.' "

"Some level of embarrassment"? How about "crying shame"? When a security company can't keep hackers out of the vault, it's time to find someone who can. This is a whole LOT more serious than an "embarrassment", since a hacked nameserver is a weapon second to none in the world of the net.

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