
Friday, October 03, 2003


ZDNet UK - News - Microsoft moves to integrate Windows with BIOS  

ZDNet UK - News - Microsoft moves to integrate Windows with BIOS: "Microsoft moves to integrate Windows with BIOS

Matthew Broersma
October 03, 2003, 17:25 BST

A deal with BIOS maker Phoenix Technologies would allow the operating system to directly control hardware. It also raises concerns over who controls the software in PCs

Microsoft has expanded its relationship with BIOS maker Phoenix Technologies in a deal designed to more closely integrate the basic building blocks of the PC with the Windows operating system.

The relationship, announced this week, is designed to make PCs simpler and more reliable, the companies said."

Bull. Pure unmitigated Bull. If anyone believes THAT, I have a bridge in New York City that I'd be happy to let go cheap, since I could use a few bucks.

No, my friends, the operative word here is NOT 'simpler and more reliable', the operative word here is 'Linux'. How else do you stop an apparently unstoppable OS that's eating your bottom line for lunch? Why, you get some BIOS maker to put part of your newest OS in their BIOS chips. Let's see someone buy one of those systems and try to run Linux!

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