
Friday, October 10, 2003


Three scenarios for trustable computing platforms - TechRepublic  

Three scenarios for trustable computing platforms - TechRepublic: "at the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference in May 2003, Bill Gates committed Microsoft to integrating its Palladium secure computing technology into Longhorn, Microsoft's next desktop operating system (expected for release in early 2005). Intel is scheduled to ship its LeGrande technology, which provides hardware support for Palladium, by year-end 2004.

When Microsoft made Palladium public in 2002, a storm of controversy arose regarding strong content control being built into PCs. Microsoft since has changed the name of this technology to the mellifluous Next-Generation Secure Computing Base (NGSCB). However, the content control controversy remains."

As seems the usual thing with Microsoft, there are good points and bad, from the viewpoint of the average consumer/ SOHO user. This is just another piece in the puzzle that is Longhorn. We already know that Microsoft is going to build in some kind of groupware platform, most probably into whatever replaces Outlook Express at that time.

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