
Sunday, October 19, 2003


CNEWS Tech News - Microsoft faces open-source revolt  

CNEWS Tech News - Microsoft faces open-source revolt: "Microsoft faces open-source revolt


BOSTON (AP) - With more than $32 billion in sales last year, Microsoft Corp. doesn't usually worry about losing one customer.
But this one may be different.
Massachusetts Administration and Finance Secretary Eric Kriss last month instructed the state's chief technology officer to adopt a policy of 'open standards, open source' for all future spending on information technology.
The directive likely won't completely cut out Microsoft from the state's $80-million technology budget. "

This certainly is interesting. Microsoft may not lose lunch money over this, but it's a crack in the wall. It's pretty clear that, unless SCO wins their many lawsuits, Microsoft is going to have to pay attention to their customers in a more sincere manner. They may actually have to do things instead of just SAYing they'll do them.

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