
Wednesday, September 17, 2003


New York Schools Get $51.2 Million From Gates  

New York Schools Get $51.2 Million From Gates: "New York Schools Get $51.2 Million From Gates

n the largest single private donation ever to benefit the New York City public schools, Bill Gates, the chairman of Microsoft, announced $51.2 million in grants today to create small public high schools.
The gift, from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, will be directed to seven nonprofit groups to create 67 theme-based schools as part of a continuing effort by the city to break up large, failing high schools in favor of programs with fewer than 500 students.
At a ceremony this morning at Morris High School in the Bronx, Mr. Gates awkwardly shared the stage with an old nemesis, Schools Chancellor Joel I. Klein, a former federal prosecutor who led the government's antitrust prosecution of Microsoft.
'I'm glad we're working on the same team,' Mr. Gates said, drawing laughs, after being asked about his previous dealings with Mr. Klein."

Well, never let it be said that Gates doesn't have a sense of humor. After all, the Windows handling of buffer overruns is one of the oldest jokes around...

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