
Monday, September 29, 2003


It Looks Good on Paper  

Moving Pictures Coming to E-paper Near You

SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -- Dutch researchers have taken the concept of replacing traditional ink and paper with thin, flexible, reusable electronic displays a step further. They have developed a technique that may permit movie fans to watch videos on their cell phones, personal digital assistants or even articles of clothing.

Unlike other emerging technologies of its genre, the novel system can switch rapidly from one color to the next, setting the stage for the development of a new generation of "electronic paper" that one day might serve as a screen for moving images, the scientists speculated.

In contrast to the traditional, wasteful wood-pulp staple of publishing that requires an additional supply for every reprinting, the reusable Digital Age version employs electronics embedded in a flexible, paper-thin piece of glass or plastic connected to a mobile phone or other wireless power source that provides a constant, uninterrupted flow of information on the same display.

This sounds good, but it's early in the development cycle, and so many things that look good in the lab never make it to the light of day.

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